CapCityKids (The Capital City Fund for Education) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to help children facing homelessness beat the odds and get a quality education. CapCityKids develops innovative programs and provides direct resources to help these students stay in school.
Austin Oaks Hospital offers a continuum of psychiatric services for children and adolescents, ages 12-17, and for adults, age 18 and older and an exclusive women’s wellness program. Located in South Austin, Texas, we strive to provide a warm environment that promotes crisis resolution, positive self-awareness, social skills and personal growth. We are proud to be your community partner in mental health.
The mission of Texas System of Care is to strengthen the collaboration of state and local efforts to weave mental health supports and services into seamless systems of care for children, youth, and their families.
Making Friends With Feelings is intended to prevent the on-set of adolescent depression by helping young children, and those who care for them, to begin an early, safe dialogue about emotions and feelings.
Journey into the colorful bunny playroom with Molly, Buddy and Shiner as they experience big emotions and comfort each other with compassion and love. The characters were developed to give children aged 4-8 a model for healthy behaviors when facing similar challenges in real life. The beautifully-crafted illustrations visually express what each bunny is feeling, so children can begin to identify, understand, and put words to their own emotions.
Journey into the colorful bunny playroom with Molly, Buddy and Shiner as they experience big emotions and comfort each other with compassion and love. The characters were developed to give children aged 4-8 a model for healthy behaviors when facing similar challenges in real life. The beautifully-crafted illustrations visually express what each bunny is feeling, so children can begin to identify, understand, and put words to their own emotions.
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